
2024 Principles of Fruit & Nut Tree
Growth, Cropping & Management
April 22 - May 2, 2024
University of California, Davis campus
Class Details
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Growth, Cropping & Management has been canceled. We will reschedule as soon as it is safe for our students and instructors.
Understanding the fundamentals of tree biology is essential to making sound orchard management and business decisions in the tree fruit and nut industry. However, access to educational courses on basic fruit and nut tree biology, and how it relates to agronomic practices, is limited. Our course incorporates lecture, lab exercises, and field demonstrations to provide information on all aspects of basic plant biology and the relationship between plant biology and nuts and fruit orchard management.
Our course includes nine full days of instruction. The first five days will be held on the UC Davis campus and include lecture, laboratory exercises, and field demonstrations. The following week we will embark upon a four-day field trip throughout fruit and nut tree growing regions of Northern and Central California. Click here to register for the course.